How does Sharesecret compare to similar free tools?

Free tools like and are adequate for one-off uses, but if you're an organization that requires continuing reliability, availability and support, they may not be be adequate for your organization.


  1. The Sharesecret Slack extension has additional privacy/security features other than just sharing a secret. Channel guard and ephemeral chat are powerful security tools that greatly increase organization security in Slack. Additionally, we're constantly improving our Slack offering, giving you more power and control over what you share, who you share it with, and how long it exists, directly in Slack.
  2. Free tools generally don't provide support or an SLA, which is often important to organizations that want to know a vendor is going to be around, up and available in X days/months/years. If something goes wrong, you have no one to contact, making it near impossible to rely on a free service at a company level.
  3. Free tools often don't provide a terms of service agreement, adequate privacy policies, a detailed security policy, infrastructure locations, or many other details that are important for privacy and compliance reasons.

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