Deprecating the Free Plan

Sharesecret has deprecated the free plan. Users currently on the free plan will have 30 days to upgrade to a paid plan, after which you will no longer be able to encrypt new secrets. We’re happy that you see value in ShareSecret and are confident that you’ll love the new features we've recently released.

How much is a Sharesecret paid plan?

For legacy users, paid plans start at $6/mo per active user, all the way up to $12/mo per active user.

How can I compare the different paid plan features?

You can compare the plan features by clicking here.

Why are you deprecating the free plan?

In short -- to better support future development and growth.

Who is considered an active user?

Anyone who uses Sharesecret functionality in Slack during a monthly billing period is considered an active user. Similar to Slack's billing scheme, you are only charged for the number of users who actually use Sharesecret during a billing period.

Can I prepay annually for a specific number of users?

Yes. Additionally, you get two months for free by paying annually.

How do I upgrade to a paid plan?

You can upgrade to a paid plan by clicking here.

How do I contact someone about this?

You can send us an email at

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